Parenting Styles Essay

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Parenting styles and its effects on the child development “The most beautiful thing in this world is to see your parents smiling and knowing that you are the reason behind that smile.” Our parents’ first concern; which parenting style to follow in order to raise up a well-developed, and well-mannered person. Matter of fact, a huge debate went over this particular issue, whether strict parenting is the right method, or being leant is the correct method. "There is clear evidence that parents can and do influence children." (Maccoby 1). Although, there are numerous factors that can affect the parenting process, or affect the way the parents treat the child (Bossard 333) (Maccoby 1). For instance, different home circumstances... the divided home, or the neglectful home, or the mother-controlled home, or may be the overly demanding home, or the home with too many bosses, so all these different home atmospheres are major factors that affect the development of any child (Bossard 333). In addition, the parents’ attitude towards the child is mostly effective in the formation of the child's personality (Bossard 334). Furthermore, the genetic effect of the child is very important, researches proved that genes are one of the most effective factors in the parenting process, and genes affect the child's own behavior characteristics, and also influences the way the parents are tending to treat their son/daughter (Maccoby 5). I will explain the three major parenting styles and will prove that it is not possible to assume that there is one best style to follow, because each home or family have their own special cases or circumstances that will affect the parenting process There are numerous parenting styles, howeve... ... middle of paper ... ... subject could onset alongside the exercise of origin manipulation and the child's coming: they contain the spirtual rites of infancy, such as selection of the term, a school, a church. The conflict among the parents could seize countless forms. Most oftentimes, perhaps, it is a conflict to manipulation the child's development; frequently, too, the undertones indicate that the parents are trying to law every single supplementary across their child. As these conflict situations are frequently convoyed by the separation of the parents, the conflict oftentimes seizes to form a huge contradiction for the ownership of the child' in that the larger kinship cluster could join. From time to time this conflict seizes the form of pursuing to select, on the basis of spirtual affiliation, the child-caring association to that the youngster is to be committed (Bossard 359-360).

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