Othello Dynamic Character

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Hamlet. Romeo. Othello. These men not only star in some of Shakespeare’s finest plays, but they are all classic examples of tragic heroes. A tragic hero is one who is courageous and admired but who has a tragic flaw that leads to his downfall. Othello was one of the greatest military men of the time. He was highly respected among his superiors for both his military prowess and level headed nature. This was a man who could be in the heat of a battle and would remain collected. Though this great hero also had great shortcomings. Othello was naive, jealous, and concerned with public appearance. Othello is truly a dynamic character. As the play continues and his jealous increases, Othello gradually changes from a flawless military general into …show more content…

Even though he is angry with Othello, Iago admits that Venice doesn 't have a better military man. He tells Roderigo that Othello won 't lose his job over his marriage to Desdemona because the Venetian Senate can 't do without him. Later, the Duke tells Othello that he must leave for Cyprus immediately, even though he is newly married. The Duke says that the Venetians already have a good man in Cyprus, but "opinion, a / sovereign mistress of effects, throws a more safer / voice on you" (1.3.257-259). In other words, Othello 's reputation is such that no one will feel safe until he is on the job. Shakespeare makes it clear from the first act that Othello is a praised and highly respected …show more content…

After learning from Desdemona that Othello is upset, Iago response saying, “Can he be angry? I have seen the cannon / When it hath blown his ranks into the air / And, like the devil, from his very arm / Puffed his own brother—and is he angry? / Something of moment then, I will go meet him. / There’s matter in ’t indeed, if he be angry.” (3.4.154-159) He has seen Othello in battle, keeping his head when men were dying all around him. Iago is a habitual liar, but there is no reason for him to lie about how Othello has conducted himself in battle. He says that if Othello is upset then something must be a good reason behind his anger. Of course, Iago knows the reason but he can not let Desdemona or Cassio know of his plan. Lodovico, a member of Venice 's diplomatic service, makes a similar remark about the Moor’s composer after he smacks his wife. He is in utter disbelief at the man actions. “Is this the noble Moor whom our full senate / Call all in all sufficient? Is this the nature / Whom passion could not shake? Whose solid virtue / The shot of accident nor dart of chance / Could neither graze nor pierce?” he asks. (4.1.297-301) Othello is unravelling at this point. His jealous is so strong that he has lost the very nature of his being. Instead of being a calm, collected leader, he is now acting

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