Oscar Grant: Police Brutality

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For years, there have been many cases and events brought into light about police brutality and the unfair treatment of minorities especially African Americans. These cases were either police using unnecessary force or killing unarmed African Americans. With the rise of technology and social media, these tragic events can be recorded uploaded on websites and social media and bring those cases to light which warrant outrage and anger. Oscar Grant was one of those tragic cases where police officers killed another unarmed black men. Oscar Grant was a young man killed on New Year’s 2009 in Oakland, California at Fruitvale BART Station by a BART police officer by the name of Johannes Mehserle and other officers were called for a report of fights that were occurring at Fruitvale Station, the officers detained Grant and other passengers off the train to the platform of the station. Officer Mehserle and his partner were restraining Grant. While trying to restrain him Mehserle told his partner to stand back, he was going to tase Grant, in recorded phone video you even see Mehserle making a movement with his hand to tell his …show more content…

Which was truly Wanda’s birthday in which the film actually shown what Grant truly bought for his mother’s birthday. During the film it is shown Oscar helping and flirting with a young woman struggling to buy something at the grocery that he worked at. He used the help of his grandmother to help figure out how to help the young lady, this was one of the real-life-based events that occurred before the event. There were other scenes that were true based on Oscar life, his mother telling Grant and his friends to take a train rather than drive to see the fireworks, and he told his daughter Tatiana that he would take her to get pizza and take her to Chuck E. Cheese, where in the next scene she questions her mother where is her

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