Orval Faubus

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“The Supreme Court shut its eyes to all the facts, and in essence said—integration at any price, even if it means the destruction of our school system, our educational processes, and the risk of disorder and violence that could result in the loss of life—perhaps yours.”-Orval E. Faubus Governor of Arkansas. On May 17, 1954, the supreme court declared that law that establishing separate public schools for black and white student to be unconditional in the case Brown v. the Board Of Education. Schools all over the country started to integrate. But in Arkansas, Gov. Orval Faubus resisted the order of President Eisenhower to desegregate Central HIgh school in Little Rock. Eisenhower order integration to happen fast in Central. 9 African- american …show more content…

To demonstrate how he use his power, on page 89 in the book Warriors don’t cry, Melba quote what President Eisenhower said in his speech to Gov. Faubus. “I will use the full power of the United States, including whatever force may be necessary, to prevent any obstruction of the law and to carry out the order of the federal court.” This quote means that President Eisenhower doesn’t care what Gov. Faubus thinks or will do. He will force the federal law of integration. He will carry out that law, whatever he has to do, to make people like Faubus from stopping it from happening. He had used his power as president to allow integration to happen in Central. Years later there was an African-american student body president. As president he gave order to troops and other officials to make sure that integration does happen in Central. “He was sure the governor, the national guard, and other state officials will give full cooperation to the United State supreme court.”(48) This quote means the troops and states officials will assist of enforcing the law that the supreme court has order. President Eisenhower order the 101st Airborne troops to guarantee the safety of the Little Rock 9. “ President Eisenhower said he sent troops because “ Mob rule in little rock menaces the very safety of the United States and the free world.”(91) As president he had order troops to enforce the law of integration. Overall Eisenhower used his power as president to make integration happen in the south. He help the Little Rock 9 integrate Central High and because he did this they pave a path for other activists to stand up for integration and equality which will lead up to the Civil Rights Movement

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