Orleanna Loyalty Quotes

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The dictionary definition of loyalty is "the quality of being faithful in your support of somebody/something" (Fowler). Loyalty can also be defined as “giving or showing firm and constant support or allegiance to a person or institution” (Augarde). These are pretty concise definitions, but they represent something deeper. Sometimes it goes unnoticed, but it’s there, and we will eternally search for it in ourselves and in other people. Loyalty comes in domestic, spiritual, commercial, and professional forms. In all of these, the concept of loyalty incorporates elements of freedom of belief, expression, and connection. Loyalty is a moral standard. It’s something that people understand to be morally right and it is one of the aspects …show more content…

She isn’t enthusiastic about the trip yet she does stay very optimistic about what it may bring to her family and how the Congolese people with be graced with God. Nathan Price has little to no respect for Orleanna, as she is just a “wife” in his eyes. One of Shakespeare quotes that stood out in relation to Nathan and Orleanna’s relationship is “Love is not love which alters when in alteration finds, or bends with the remover to remove” (Shmoop). How this is interoperated in relation to loyalty is that you can have/share love for someone only by being loyal to yourself. He could ultimately care less about her experience in the Congo as he is only focused on God and his duties to him. After six months in the Congo Orleanna had gone through hell and back, from helping her children and she survive a horrific ant infestation while her husband was too busy religiously “saving” the people of their village to losing their youngest child which Nathan concludes to being because she hadn’t been baptized. Once Ruth May had passed away Orleanna had a sudden change of heart. She was tired of being loyal to Nathan and the journeys that he had made him family endure. She abandoned the life that she lived in the Congo and set foot on her own journey with Adah back to the United States. She grew loyal to herself and to Adah after taking them out of the picture that Nathan had

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