One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest Suicide Essay

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The author of the book, One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest, was Ken Kesey. Kesey took a job in a mental institution and extensively talked to his patients and the storyline is largely based on his experiences with the patients at the institution. The novel was then later adapted and turned into a movie, with the same title. The narrator's name is Chief Bromden, he has been a patient in an Oregon psychiatric hospital for ten years. He suffers from hallucinations and delusions. “Bromden’s worldview is dominated by his fear of what he calls the Combine, a huge conglomeration that controls society and forces people into conformity. Bromden pretends to be deaf and dumb and tries to go unnoticed, even though he is six feet seven inches tall”. …show more content…

Suicide is when you kill yourself intentionally. “The factors that induce someone to think about suicide, the ideators, and those who actually attempt suicide, the attempters, often depends upon numerous factors. For example, the traditional risk factors for suicide, such as depression, hopelessness, many psychiatric disorders, and impulsivity, strongly predict suicide ideation but weakly predict suicide attempts among ideators. Alternatively, a diminished fear of pain, injury, and death can increase one's probability to attempt suicide and facilitate the progression from suicidal thoughts to suicidal acts”(Wenk, 2017). He lived under control of Nurse Ratched, she was friends with his mother and would always use that as a way to control him and make him feel ashamed. His mother made him break off an engagement with a girl because she thought the woman was not good enough for Billy. This break up caused him to attempt suicide. He is also a virgin which makes him repressed, at the end he ends up losing his virginity. Nurse Ratched makes him feel guilty about this however, he attempts suicide again and is successful which shows that he is in control of his life rather than Nurse

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