On The Wings Of Memory Summary

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Sara Low was a flight attendant on the American Airlines plane to California when it was hijacked by terrorists on 9/11. In the article “On the Wings of memory, flight attendants story makes full article” written by Jan Ramirez, it discusses how much pride Sara’s father had for the flight attendant wings and how they resembled the service, training and so much more of this job. Sara’s her father then thought to start the Wings project, in honor of Sara’s courage and bravery serving as a flight attendant. Karyn gave her wings to Mike Low after the memorial for Sara on 9/15 because she knew it would mean a lot to him in remembrance to his daughter. Before this horrific terrorist attack on 9/11 those flight attendant wings symbolised her training and ability to serve as a flight attendant. In the article “ On the Wing of memory, flight attendants story makes full article” Mike low says “... the pride he felt in Sara’s wings, which recognized her training, qualifications and length of service, cut short by her tragic death.” (para 2) which recognizes what those wings once stood for when …show more content…

They now meant so much more and resembled so much more. They now meant the symbol of combat, and that is why Mike Low wanted to have a man/women of the service wear them during the war against terrorism. In the video “Remembering 9/11: Karyn’s Wings” Mike Low said “wings made of sturdy metal” (time 2:27) , I thought this was important because it sort of implies how strong his daughter was during this time and how strong the next person to wear them will be during combat. Those wings were worn by a man of service for over 20 of his missions and meant a lot to him. He was honored to wear them and he considered them just as important as any other pin on his chest. Mike Low had achieved his goal by having this happen and was happy to have seen that happen in remembrance of his

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