Odysseus: A Modern Day Hero

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Odysseus endeavored on a ten year journey to get home after fighting in the Trojan War. On his journey, Odysseus must overcome obstructions that hinder him from returning home. Odysseus is respected throughout the story as being a hero. Odysseus is a man who is respected by people, animals, and gods. A Greek hero is often shown to be admired by gods or goddesses, and posses super human powers along with courage. A modern day hero is able to create inspiration, do good for anyone, and will put his or her life in danger to help others. Homer develops the character of Odysseus in The Odyssey as an ancient Greek hero; however, if Odysseus were to be in a modern day story he would be considered an anti-hero due to his acts of hubris, poor …show more content…

Modern Heroes make good leaders. Being able to direct people on what to do at the right time and how to do it well. A good leader is able to make good connections and be successful in what they do. Odysseus the leadership to get home from diversions from the crew, Poseidon, and the many monsters they encounter. As Odysseus and his men are being guided by aelius with his bag of winds, his crew thinks the bag is full of extra treasures and opens it expecting to find gold. The boat is then sent back to the start of their journey. If Odysseus was to be a good leader he would tell the crew beforehand about Ailes and his bag of winds and not to open it. Odysseus is also a poor husband. Through Odysseus’s journey, he sleeps with multiple goddesses. However his wife has many suitors that want to marry her. All these men and both Odysseus’s family and Penelope's, think Odysseus is dead. All the suitors encourage Penelope to move on and marry again. Even though these men have selfish intentions, they don’t want to marry Penelope to be with her, they want to gain rule over the land that she owns. When Odysseus gets home he kills all the suitors for trying to marry his wife. Its a little hypocritcal that Odysseus can cheat on his wife but men can’t try to marry her. Its also absurd that Odysseus would kill these men. Its like Odysseus has anger

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