Narcissistic Personality Disorder Essay

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Personality disorders entails a class of mental disorders that are characterized by permanent maladaptive rhythm of behavior, cognition, and inner experience. The latter have been defined in many circumstances and are markedly deviated from social culture. These behaviors occurs at early age, they are rigid and also associated to distress or disability. However, the definition may alter in accordance to other factors. There are several criteria for overcoming personality disorders from American Psychiatric Association and World Health Organization. When the fifth edition, the DSM-5, was compiled, it was determined that there was no scientific basis for dividing the disorders, so the multi-axial system was done away with. Instead, the new non-axial diagnosis combines the former Axes 1, II and III and include separate notations for the type of information which would have previously fallen into Axes IV and V. Annotated Bibliography Barbara, C. (2011) The Everything Guide to Narcissistic Personality Disorder: Professional, reassuring advice for coping with the disorder - at work, at home, and in your family, Eds, New York: Adams Media The book talks about narcissistic personality disorder which is mistakenly regarded as a big ego or inflated self-esteem. The latter entails a big psychological condition that affects negativity in marriages and work environment as the victims own self sense of self. According to the book, the victims have self-confidence and shows arrogant behaviors. This is caused by low-esteem and sense of insecurity. The author has been licensed and has nationally creditably on social work for more than 20 years. Beck, A.T., Freeman A., Davis, D.D. (2007).Cognitive therapy of personality disorders. ed.... ... middle of paper ... ...ssion and antipsychotic drugs when the patient suffers from distorted thinking (Gunderson, 2009). The cost of treating inpatients using psychotherapy has not been accurately estimated because of variation of recovery periods of patients. Livesley, W. (2009) Handbook of Personality Disorders: Theory, Research, and Treatment, (2nd ed) New York: Guilford Press The book has interesting myths on personality disorder where the author explains personality traits. It deters that enduring patterns of perceiving are related to thinking about the environment and oneself. The expression is reflected upon a wide range of crucial social and personal context. We can determine the consciousness of an individual through inflexible personal traits and maladaptive, the latter causes either significant functional destruction or subjective agony which comprises personality disorders.

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