My Rock and Me

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“If Only” kept going through my mind as I ran through the forest. What is it that follows me, tormenting me? I catch a glimpse out of the corner of my eye, but it eludes me as I cry. I looked up, high to the top of the evergreen canopy, nothing. I looked down on the pine needle carpet below my feet, nothing. There is that familiar sound again, a distant laughter as if mocking my every effort. “Where are you?” I shouted, but the trees silenced my plea once more. I ran as though my life depended on every step I took until I reached the river. At the bank, I could see a giant rock as lonely as I. Wading out into the chill frosted water I called to the stone, my long lost friend. I lifted myself onto its water-smoothed surface and lay there as I gasped for air. I was thankful, thankful for what exactly I was unsure, but grateful all the same. Minutes went by, or could it be hours I did not know and I did not care, I just laid there listening to the rivers song that it sang just for me. The high noon sun peeked through the evergreen tops and the forest came to life once more. The chill that was running through my veins warmed as I watched the light dance across the water in an effervescent parade. The leaves sound like a choir as they sway, and river dances with delight as it passes every rock. “Listen to my secret,” it sang its song to me. Memories flooded my body, those unpleasant ones I thought I had buried too far to surface, the reasons I had run in the first place. “I am lost,” I thought and I lay there sobbing as my body began to be wracked revealing the pain. Obscenities screamed were ringing in my ear, “make it stop,” I sobbed through the tears. The night that brought me here was over, yet echoed in the distance of my mi... ... middle of paper ... a forked tongue. Shooting past me on both sides, the tines reconnected to form an arrow and with the speed of an expert sharpshooter pierced the heart of my shadow. The shadow shattered into what looked to be a million grains of black sand, and in the flurry, I could hear the obscure evil and terror in each tiny piece as they flew by. The air was filled with an eerie sound as the giant whirlwind chocked the shadow into a deathly silence. In a flash, the water swelled high above once more, then plunged back down into the river with such a force my rock and I swayed. We stood there watching the river wash it away until we heard its last remaining moan subside. A quiescent silence filled the forest and me granting us freedom and a much-needed rest. A soothing sensation engulfed my body and wrapped my soul in a warm embrace. As I stand here on my rock, I am free.

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