My Reflection On Improving My Writing Skills

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This class has improved my writing skills. Before taking English Writing 109, I struggled with revising my writing. I had a challenging time revising my work, because I did not know when to remove or rephrase sentences within my papers. However, I during this class I have learned to revise my writing. I can make necessary changes to my writing. For instance, rephrasing or removing evidence that do not support my topic sentence. In addition, when I am given feedback on my papers, I can make the proper changes. For instance, when you suggested I add more specific details about the authors I used for my Annotated Bibliography. I made the proper changes by giving details about the author’s credentials. For instance, I included where the author …show more content…

The first step was finding articles that related to my topic. The next step was reading all articles that I found. The next step was writing summaries for the articles that pertained to my topic. Next, I cited my sources in APA format and placed the references above the appropriate paragraphs. Lastly, I added a title and my name to the bibliography. However, when I was working on my research paper I did not do things in the same order. When I was writing my research paper, I wrote the body paragraphs first. Then, I wrote my introduction and conclusion. Writing the introduction last helped me write a focus thesis statement. The third thing I did when writing my research paper was create a reference page. lastly, I created a title page that included my name, professor, and the …show more content…

In this class, I learned how to revise and edit my work based on feedback that was given to me by my instructor and peers. When I was revising my annotated bibliography and research paper I made changes that were suggested by you and my peers. For instance, during a peer feedback activity a classmate advised me to focus on a certain age group for my research paper. I took my classmate advise, so when I was revising my paper I decided to focus on adolescents who are fourteen to eighteen. In addition, while editing and revising my research paper, I took your advice and presented additional information and removed sentences that were repetitive. Additionally, I can critically read and interpret various text, genres, and contexts while noticing the purpose, format, evidence, tone conventions, and organization. For instance, when I was working on my article annotation assignment I could find the purpose of the article and conventions within the article while reading critically. In addition, my Annotated Bibliography shows I can read critically while noticing the format, tone purpose, and organization within the article. Furthermore, I can engage in critical reading, researching, writing, and thinking processes to compose both formal and informal texts that respond critically to disciplinary knowledge-making contexts and that signal the writer’s credible participation in disciplinary conversations. For instance, my annotated bibliography

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