My Last Baseball Game

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The catcher pelted the ball as I cut the corner to second and bam I got hit right in my… The day of my last baseball game just so happened to be on my birthday so I really wanted to win so I did all of my power to not lose. The rest of the team was on the same exact page. So we did everything to win just like the golden state warriors. Right, when we pulled up to the field I was feeling a win coming. I went to the field and the first thing I did was stretch as well as run 5 laps around the field as always. “Ok lineup for warm-ups,” the coach said. As we ran to warm-ups my friends asked “who wants to when today” within the blink of an eye all of the team said me. I felt like we already won. In the middle of warm-ups, a line drive slammed my right arm cause me to almost be benched. As the coach told me I couldn’t play I said wait, you're not going to let me play because I got hit I can still play with or without pain. “Noah can take hit,” said the rest of the team let him play and then the umpire yelled coaches to home plate. …show more content…

The first inning was not short it took a while for the pitcher to start throwing strikes, but they didn’t score so I was ok with it. Then out of nowhere my team was on fire they just couldn’t get out everyone was getting hits. When I came up to bat I was so ready I knew this pitcher like white on

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