My Experiences in Adolescence

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My physical development was not so difficult for me. I experienced the growth spurt when I was10 to 15-years old. I didn’t think it was difficult time for me because my range of growth spurt was not so large. Additionally, I did not belong to sports club, so I did not feel uncomfortable when I move my body. I think I am a late bloomer because I have never had boyfriend. But I think it is advantage for me because I am not a “boy-crazy”. I know some friends who are early bloomer and being “boy-crazy”, I do not want to be like them. I have my own interest and I have something what I want to do besides dating with boys. My physical developments have some effects on my character of today. I think it is because I was taller than others since very young, my friends often said to me “you are like my elder sister.” This phrase makes me think that I need to be like elder sister when I was child. It is related to more about psychological development, but this way of thinking came from my height. One of other physical development related issue that makes me struggle is my period. Every time I am in period, I have pain in stomach and back; I feel sleepy, hungry, and irritating; and I have skin problems. I think there are more people who have more heavy symptoms of period, however, sometimes I cannot endure these. My physical developments have some effects on me, but it was not so difficult for me to pass through. During my adolescence, I experienced a lot of things. Of course I went through identity crisis; I didn’t know what should I do or what should I be. Moreover, sometimes when I was alone, I suddenly felt that what I am doing now is totally wrong. I often suffered from imaginary audience. I think imaginary audience is just stupid, but a... ... middle of paper ... ...h school student. My class room teacher taught us English, and his class was always fun and I liked o listen to his stories of study abroad. I also looked forward to take the class which was given from ALT (Assistant Language Teacher) once in a month. This experience was the first time for me to communicate with people who have different background, it was fresh and I developed interest in different culture in the world. Additionally, I felt that studying English is interesting for me and I got high score on my test without studying so hard. It is the time when I think my major in university going to be English. In terms of moral development, I think I’m in the last stage of moral development theory. It is because I could think and accept other’s idea and I know I have faults. Additionally I could feel other’s feeling because of the experience of being excluded.

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