Movie Analysis: Crash By Paul Haggis

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As I finish watching “Crash” by Paul Haggis, I take a few minutes to gather my thoughts as I am in awe as to how a simple, but not straightforward film can leave one lost in their own thoughts, makes one think about how they treat others and how others are treated. This film tells the stories of the different races and cultures in Los Angeles. You get the blacks, whites, Chinese, Latinos, Persians, criminals, he wealthy, the poor, the working class, police officers, the powerful, the powerless who are linked in some way through racism and how stereotyping has become part of our everyday lives.. “Crash” makes a person who does not believe in second chances change their minds. Watching this movie has truly transformed my views on different cultures – how we should not judge a person by their culture or skin color. As I witnessed in the movie the characters assumptions prevented them from understanding and seeing the real person standing in front of them. Stereotyping is an action we all do, it is programmed in us specially when it comes to peoples race and culture, it helps us ant...

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