Money In The Great Gatsby Essay

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Elijah Choate Ms. Maggert Honors English III 06 April 2017 Careless Money In “The Great Gatsby” by F. Scott Fitzgerald, social classes are tremendously influential to morality. The rich are divided up into groups that live in opposite “eggs” of Long Island, New York City. The West Egg is described as being the land of “New Money” and the East Egg is characterized as being the land of “Old Money”. Right in between both of these “Egg’s” lies an infamous area of dismay and hardship called “The Valley of Ashes” where almost peasant appearing individuals reside. These working class individuals are portrayed throughout the book as being hardworking and morally belittled by the upper class as if those that aren’t rich aren’t worthy of even being in the presence of those that are. …show more content…

Rich and powerful people have gotten away with numerous crimes and scandals throughout American history, solely because of the number that’s in their bank account. For example, Orenthal James Simpson, or more commonly known as OJ Simpson,was found not guilty of the crime of murder in the court of California, county of Los Angeles, just because he had the money to buy the cream of the crop when it comes to lawyers. He had a full deck of judicial powerhouses that included Johnnie Cochran, Robert Shapiro, and Robert Kardashian. Simpson was allowed to keep generating sports memorabilia during his trial, which allowed him to afford his "Dream Team" of lawyers — which Business Insider notes costed him an estimated $50,000 a day. So, with the help of a virtually unbeatable team of lawyers, OJ got off scot-free with the crime of murder. This goes hand in hand with Tom and Daisy and how they have the money and power to never be held responsible for any wrong doing or scandals that they’re involved

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