Military Pay Benefits

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Men and women all work hard and sacrifice their entire lives for serving their country. In return they should receive something worth looking forward too. Whether it be raised combat pay or more benefits along with higher pay. Military pay is the exact same for every branch. Differences will be found when you increase in time enlisted and your rank. Everyone is given the same benefits, extra pay can be awarded for enlisted with family. Base housing can be allowed along with food pay for those who live off base, however combat pays and deployments allowances remain the main problem among deployed members in combat zones and overseas.combat pay remains low, even during the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, pay remained low. Why would some enlisted …show more content…

Being deployed can mean being deployed to a place of conflict or a peaceful place, which sadly means your going to get different benefits and pay between to the two. For example if we had troops stationed at the embassy or base in germany somewhere, they get paid for being deployed and get allowances. Depending on you situation housing allowance can vary. if your high enough rank you can receive off base housing. Recruits that have a family to support can get a home or free living. But if you have nothing as a family or are lower rank you can stay in the barracks for free. Unlike combat zones men and women deployed somewhere that is in peace again like germany are given food allowances instead of MREs. high ranked members that live off base can get a food allowance that pay for their food at other places. But recruites that are low ranked will get their money taken from their paychecks and eat in the chow hall but you can eat anywhere but have to use your money for it. Mena and woman that deployed top places overseas or far away and don't have a way for their family too come with them receive a special pay called a separation allowance. Enlisted can also receive a special pay based upon their MOS. if a airman is based in Germany and does routine flight exercises will receive a pay for a potentially harmless activity. Even …show more content…

But if you do they will be taken care of but that doesn't account for the drawback of being away. You Will receive extra pay and benefits too take care of your family. Some may choose to stay home and live somewhere that it doesn't cost much too live. This is one of the most recurring problems for military families. You housing and family allowances may vary based upon what you have and where you are but ts shown that a lot of the times what is given for offbase housing for your family is gonna cost more especially in places like california. That's not going to set well for some, especially the ones that have infants and need a stable place to stay. More compensation does need to be taken into account for he on who do need more support for their smiles. It's hard to be deployed or somewhere where your family cannot move. It's hard on most families too have too go on with not having a family member when they are the backbone of the family. Losing family members can be very hard for most

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