Media Portrayal Of Crime In The Media

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In society today the media’s has an extensive influence on the public by mediums such as the internet, television news, newspapers and radio. In addition, crime is often considered both a source of news and entertainment with such programs as CSI, NCIS and Criminal Minds being some amongst many others that also influence public perception on crime (Hayes & Levett, 2013). Evidence shows that the medias portrayal of crime can indeed affect the public’s perception although evidence will demonstrates that crime perception can be unique to each individual. Evidence shows that media reports have the potential to strongly influence people’s daily activities (Weatherburn and Indermaur, 2004). When the media reports on a crime it triggers an effect …show more content…

Whenever a society perceives that there has been an increase in a particular type of crime due to increased media coverage this is known as a crime wave. Although this does not necessarily mean that there has been an increase in that particular crime and some evidence shows that there can actually be a decrease in crime (AIC, 2010). Defined as being generated when moral outrage is created by the media, a moral panic creates labelling certain groups or activities as being deviant and a threat to the social and moral order. (Mesko, Cockcroft, Crawford and Lemaitre, 2009). This falls under Labelling theory, as identified by Becker in 1963. The media convey a sensationalised image of crime and a protective view of police and policing practices – and make unusual events usual in our lives (White & Perrone, 2012). As quoted by Schnideler & Ewart “Crime waves are great headlines and can be an ongoing source of stories for new media”. To demonstrate these two effects, in an American campaign concerning missing and exploited children the media reported that “thousands of children” were being kidnapped and are missing, creating a public “moral panic”. Reputable sources such as Time Magazine joined in on extraordinary claims that over 800,000 children went missing every year in America. Local television stations also took to broadcasting images of missing children on a daily basis combined these media activities created the illusion of a crime wave. As a result surveys taken then revealed that 75% of America’s parents lived in fear that a stranger may abduct their child (Israel & Swartz, 2000). There were similar findings in the UK where research into the British medias reporting of a specific crime and whether it had a major impact on parents. In a survey of 1,000 parents

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