Luther's The Pagan Servitude Of The Church

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The Pagan Servitude of the Church – Composed in 1520, this work by Luther is one of his most important contributions to Christian history and theology. In the Pagan Servitude of the Church, Luther addresses critical issues that surround the seven sacraments that the Roman Catholic Church practices, but for this session, only the sacrament of the Eucharist is covered. Luther does not start gently, as he immediately contradicts the norm by advocating for the administration of both elements of the Lord’s Supper to the laity. His argument brings to light opposing comments from other theologians and leadership of the Roman Catholic Church, but Luther overcomes them all with a simple redirection to Scripture. He uses a combination of his interpretation of Scripture from the Gospels and Paul’s epistles along with logic and common sense to declare that the laity should have the right and privilege to partake in both the bread and the wine elements. …show more content…

This means that the church hierarchy and scholarly theologians spend too much of their time in arguing over topics like transubstantiation, when they should recognize that the sacrament of the Lord’s Supper is really centered on faith. It does not matter how the “accidents” of the elements of bread and wine come to be the body of Christ. Whether or whenever the physical elements of the Eucharist turn into the literal body and blood of Christ after being consecrated by a priest is not the point of the sacrament, according to Luther. What does matter is the state of the person’s heart when contemplating or actually receiving the

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