Literature Review: Brand Loyalty

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Literature Review
This research uses four variables on the basis of literature for developing model and hypothesis. The first variable is brand loyalty which is dependent variable and second and third variables are brand trust and perceived quality respectively which are independent variables and forth is brand awareness which is mediator and these are used for development of conceptual model. This literature is based on past studies and conceptual research model and hypothesis are developed after literature review.
Brand Loyalty According to Rizwan et al., (2013) the loyalty of any brand is depends upon four things that are the word of mouth, customer trust on brand, sensitivity of price and satisfaction level of the customer, if a customer …show more content…

Moreover, brand name, brand advertising are important to identify the uniqueness of the brand in the mind of customers.
According to Hoeffler & Keller (2002) brand awareness can be defined as the knowledge about the brand and differentiation from other brands in depth which means make the customer easy to identify the brand when they want to repurchase the brand. Depth distinguished makes easy for the customer to easily identify and repurchase the brand at the same time when they want to buy the product.
Many researchers (Monroe 1990; Dodds and Grewal, 1991; Wall, Liefeld, & Heslop, 1991; Lo, 2002; Lin, 2006). Kan (2002) proved in their research that the brand awareness increases the perceived quality of the brand. Which means the brand awareness is important factor to increase the image of the brand in the mind of the customers and they easily identify the brand and repurchase easily, it also leads to increase the perceived quality and they …show more content…

Hypothesis III: Brand awareness positively influence the perceived quality
It is stated by Huang & Sarigollu (2012) that awareness of brand is most important element to increase the performance of the product and make the customer loyal of the brand. According to Farris et al. (2010) brand awareness means two main parts one is aided awareness which customer choosing a brand from the list of brands which are available in the market and second is the top of the mind awareness which means a customer whose expectations are met with particular product and it can be said that he is loyal about that product and his mind automatically repurchase the brand.
Keller (2008) stated that both awareness are important for the customer to make a loyal. It is explored by Liu, Liston-Heyes & Ko (2010) that particular name of the brand, availability and previous experience helps a customer satisfied and

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