Leadership Essay: The Power Of Women In Leadership

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The Power of Women in Leadership Leadership is a strategy used to manage companies; all companies have a leader who performs teamwork. Women are an important part of companies; today more women have better jobs, better positions in companies in which they make important decisions. The presence of women in management positions has increased around the world, but there are still barriers and limitations for development, and prevailing cultures are framed in stereotypes which marked women for centuries. There are still negative persistent perceptions towards women about their leadership abilities, and their ability to be competitive against the challenges of management. Women are at a disadvantage with men to occupy hierarchical positions since they are paid less than men, at home, they are responsible for their children, In addition, women are confronted with issues of diversity that affect long-term employment. Nowadays there is still not progress in equal salaries for men and women because it requires a cultural change and a change in the working life of our country. According to INCAE business school, On January of 2012, the U.S. president offered his annual address to Congress on the state of the Union in which he spoke briefly about the wage gap between men and women, stating that: "An economy built to be durable is one that fosters the talent and ingenuity of every person. That means women should earn equal pay for equal work ". Regretfully wage inequality is a global problem that occurs even in countries with the largest economies. According to the Catalyst survey, adjusting for initial position, women are paid on average $4,600 less than men. Even when controlling all factors that may differ between men and women, such as ex... ... middle of paper ... ...’s objective was to implement diversity and retain more women and minorities in Besfood Company. Women have qualities that make them more adaptable to the emotional climate, to handling conflicts, to think about the development of people and their human needs, compassion, care of the planet, commitment and responsibility. Who better than a woman who is prepared to deal with responsibilities in leadership positions with unique features to handle such matters. Female leadership is a model to take into account, a model to support and one which we can expect excellent results in a sustainable and equitable manner for all involved. Every day women face the challenge of reentry into the job market, and being the primary caretaker for their children, compounded with diversity issues and concerns. For these reason it is challenging to be a women with power in leadership.

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