Kite Runner Loyalty Quotes

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Loyalty means in The Oxford Dictionary, “a feeling or attitude of devoted attachment and affection.” In the novel, The Kite Runner, loyalty is an important theme throughout the book. The author, Khaled Hosseini displays that loyalty should be highly valued. There are signs of loyalty within the characters, but the main ones are Hassan and Amir. Hassan comes from a difficult social background, lacks education and is the main victim of Amir’s disloyalty, despite his poor background, he manages to stay loyal to his friend, Amir. He is the character who portrayed loyalty the most. Amir’s forgotten loyalty to Hassan is remembered through his guilt. Throughout the novel, Hassan proves that he is very loyal to Amir. Hassan’s shows the qualities of loyalty that define him as a true friend. Running the kite for Amir is one of …show more content…

Amir is reminiscing their childhood memories with Hassan, because he never thought that they are going to be friends. Even though he feels that way, he does admit that he and Hassan “were kids who learned to crawl together, and no history, ethnicity, society, or religion was going to change that and [He] spent most of the first twelve years of [his] life playing with Hassan.”(27) They used to climb trees together or go to the movies to watch Westerns. Amir remembers that after school, he would always choose a book, so that he and Hassan would climb a pomegranate tree, and Amir would read the book to Hassan, considering that Hassan could not read. Though Hassan is illiterate, he really seemed to enjoy the stories. Even though he didn’t show his true-self to Hassan, he really wants him to know that he loves him for everything that he did for him. Hassan praises his story and said, “Some day, Inshallah, you will be a great writer.”(36) He also said to Amir, that many people in the world will read his

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