Kaffir Boy Research Paper

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Kaffir Boy Abdu Osman Kaffir boy is a story of Mark Mathabane’s escape from life under the political system apartheid in South Africa. Apartheid was when the national party government was elected in the 1948 and they decided to racially segregate South Africans. Apartheid means separation and in this case between the white south Africans and everybody else. This idea being it was to limit the rights and undermine the black Africans. The book kaffir boy is great example of the apartheid. Kaffir boy shows the trials and tribulations being faced during the apartheid in South Africa such as lack of equality, suffering and education. Even before national party was won the election the segregation laws began much earlier. Only after 3 years South …show more content…

For example mark’s dad got laid off temporarily, without been recalled and has to ask for permission for another job and was arrested for been unemployed. The family was hungry and with a baby on the way they were down to one meal a day, and because of that they had to go and look for food since they can feed themselves. Every morning they would go to the dumpster and try to get their first to get the food that the white people threw away. While the white people lived in a nice neighbor hoods and very well built schools and houses while they lived in shacks. The police was always around “in the morning in 1965, where Mark and his mother were suddenly surprise when the police (Peri-Urban) came to check sign of any illegally citizen living …show more content…

Throughout the book they are always suffering in one way or another. They are starving because they have nothing else for example ‘Each day we spent without food drove us closer and closer to starvation. Then terror struck. I began having fainting spells. I would be out playing when suddenly my head would feel light, my knees would wobbles, my vision would dim and blur and down I would come like a log.”2(37) or become very ill with diseases like when George and Florah become sick. “Their stomach looked like they were about to burst their bodies were covered with sores, which punctured and oozed pus, and their hair turned to a strange orange colour”2.With no money to take care of them and no place to

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