Junk Food: The Negative Effects Of Junk Food

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Many people, with their busy schedules, go to fast food restaurants or stop at the gas station for a snack. People do this everyday without thinking if it is a good idea to eat there or not. It is faster than making yourself a home cooked meal. Despite its convenience, fast food can be very dangerous to us in the long run, Junk food is high in calories, but low in nutrients, filling your diet with junk food causes an array of problems to your body. This is why we should be aware of the risks and effects that junk food can give us so we can live a healthy lifestyle. Junk food causes health problems. I understand that buying junk food saves time. Unlike fast food restaurants, home cooked meals require time for shopping as well as washing the …show more content…

Presumably, the generalization of fast food in America, and now spreading all over the world, can lead to major negative impacts on our environment. The growth of the fast food industry has reached a staggering number. If there are so many millions or even billions of chicken nuggets, hamburgers, or French fries sold each year, then imagine all the packaging that is thrown to waste. "One poll showed that Americans believe fast-food packaging takes up between 20 and 30 percent of landfill space, and expanded polystyrene foam between 25 to 40 percent. However, the Garbage Project found that fast-food packaging accounts for no more than one-third of one percent of the total volume of the average landfill." This is an issue that has been unfortunately blown out of proportion, but the fact is that there is still a fair amount of trash resulting from this amount of consumption of junk food. Not only does this waste that comes from junk food wrappers affect our landfills, but there is also the factor that people are too lazy to even reach a trashcan. Pollution is a continuous problem in our society, and the pollution of such things as fast food packaging can have consequences on our environment. As you can see, fast food can affect the environment in many ways. This is very significant because fast food ruins our environment and fast …show more content…

There are many health risks when it comes from eating junk food. Even if it is easy to buy and cheap, does the outcome of health risks outweigh the five minutes of satisfaction that junk food brings. Junk food is a food item that has little nutrition beyond providing fat or sugar. Also, junk food often contains highly processed ingredients. People eat junk food for its flavor rather than to meet their daily requirements of nutrition. Junk food is not good for your body and subsequently cause many health problems. Obesity is not the only risk, because heart disease is also a prime factor. Robin Chase in a article about junk food stated, “What you eat can affect your heart’s health and you chance of developing life-threatening heart disease” . When you eat all of the fats and sugars your heart can’t grow properly, therefore it will grow weak and will endanger you. There is no safe risk for your body when it comes to eating junk food. Filling our diets with junk food will lead to weight gain. It takes an extra 3,500 calories in your diet to gain 1 pound of body weight (Coffman). Glamour in his article about junk food satated, “Studies have also shown that over the past four decades, consumption of food eaten away from home has also risen alarmingly. It is well known that eating out leads to excess calories intake and increases the risk of obesity because of large portion sizes and increase energy density of foods”

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