Joseph Stalin Essay

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One of the most powerful and murderous dictators in history, Joseph Stalin was the supreme ruler of the Soviet Union for a quarter of a century ( Joseph Stalin had a major impact on the Soviet Union and the rest of the world. He changed the world by making the Soviet Union a powerful, modern nation, and also the largest state on Earth through his policies and ideas. He also led the killing of millions of people including commoners who spoke out against him (McKenna 94). He also had the Great Purge, which sent anyone who was not “loyal” to him to camps and executed them. In total he killed about seven times as many people as Hitler did which would probably be about twenty to sixty million people. Stalin also changed the world by helping to start the Cold War, and also some of the countries that aligned with the Soviets in the Cold War are still in poverty because their benefactor crumbled. Stalin was the face of the second world for a chunk of the twentieth century and the Cold war. Stalin also created the Five Year Plan, which was a series of nation-wide economic plans in the Soviet Union. The plans were developed by a state planning committee and were general guidelines of the communists used for economic development. During the Cold War Stalin challenged the Allies multiple times trying to win the war and created major damage to a lot of countries including Germany. Competition between the Soviet Union and the United States escalated during the Cold War to a point where nuclear war was not going to be a surprise. Joseph Stalin ended up losing the Cold War, but still created a lasting impression due to his theory of ruling by fear. Stalin also ended the New Economic Plan that Lenin created and then he also forced p... ... middle of paper ... The successes of the Five Year Plan included the Soviet Union was turned into a modern state, and there were huge achievements in areas including new cities, transportations, communication, coal, etc. ( Politically the Five Year plan was a success; they consolidated Stalin’s position as supreme leader. Joseph Stalin changed history by making the Soviet Union a world power, helping start the Cold War, and creating the Five Year Plan. The Five Year Plan was a list of economic goals to try to industrialize the Soviet Union ( Stalin made the Soviet Union a world power, which defiantly changed the world for the good and the bad. Stalin helped start the Cold War, which had major impact on many countries, and changed the world. In all Stalin had multiple reasons why he changed the world some good and some bad.

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