Joint Venture Merger

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Joint venture and M&A are an integral part of business. Love them or hate them, you cannot just ignore them. Be it, oil, telecom, education or the food sector, or be it Reliance (RIL and RPL), Tata’s (Tata and CMC), Pfizer (Pfizer and Pharmacia), AOL Warner (AOL and Time Warner), Joint ventures and M&A’s have brought new life to the style of doing business in today’s world. Mergers, acquisitions, takeovers and joint ventures are members of the amalgamation family. One reason that companies often choose to expand is to merge with another company, to take over another company, or form a new company altogether (JV) .A merger is where two companies come together as one company – may be with a new name of the parent company, losing their independent identities. A takeover means that one company buys out the other company. And joint venture is when a new company is born with the parent companies in existence. Amalgamation is the merger of two or more companies with another existing company, or the merger of two or more companies to form a new company. In India, amalgamation as per the Co...

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