Johns Hopkins University Essay

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“The truth shall set you free!” a quote my parents recite to me oftentimes which has become part of me, my childhood and course to become a well-established surgeon. I desire to develop intellectually, broaden my mind to resolve the innermost issues of society and make a profound impact on the world. By following in the footsteps of legendary leaders and scientists at Johns Hopkins University, I can truly conceive myself reaching my full potential. Surely, Johns Hopkins University is the ultimate school to harvest exceptional leaders from its intramural sports and diverse a cappella groups, to its global reach and vigorous science programs. Certainly JHU is the best option for me, but the genuine inquiry that comes to mind is, what can Osadayi Ohanmu contribute to Johns Hopkins University with the various opportunities this university has to offer? …show more content…

Often, we overlook the relationships within different aspects of our studies by expanding our knowledge in one path rather than in multifarious, coupling paths. With the various unique extracurricular programs JHU provides, such as Musicare, I can consolidate both my passions in music and health to broaden my knowledge in all perspectives. In addition, this linked information will contribute to the discovery of new and intriguing solutions to problems not only in health and medicine but also in various aspects of the world. Moreover, Johns Hopkins University provides the best global and medical experience one could ask for. At JHU, I imagine myself taking Africana Studies to further appreciate and discover more about my culture. And as a medical enthusiast, I see myself highly engaged in the Center for Global Health to contribute

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