Jalisa's Case Summary

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Feel free to consider the following: o What indications are there that this summary is trauma informed? In Jalisa’s case summary, there are quite a few indications that this summary is trauma informed. In crisis situations, social workers work with survivors to identify needs and come up with plans that include referrals or recommendations that will work toward fulfilling the client’s needs (Goelitz & Stewart-Kahn, 2013). The text states that during the assessment process, social workers act as detectives, uncovering aspects of crisis needing consideration (Goelitz & Stewart-Kahn, 2013). The clinician conducting Jalisa’s assessment uncovered Jalisa and her family have a history of past trauma, fleeing homeland and relocating from refugee camp. Jalisa’s father also believes in corporal punishment and Jalisa has expressed fear receiving disciplinary actions from father. Jalisa’s clinician recommended further exploration of these incidents. Crisis situations also call for assessing the safety of the survivor. It was determined that Jalisa felt safe in her home, even with her father coming home for the weekend. A safety plan for Jalisa for the weekend was then established. As a summary indicator of trauma informed, the clinician assesses for mental health issues, stating that Jalisa did not exhibit any serious acute trauma related stress at this time. …show more content…

I do not think my case formulation would be much different. I would want to further explore possible traces of trauma within Jalisa’s past but without rapport and trust, if the clinician was to explore deeper the clinician could cause further traumatization. Perhaps one thing my case formulation would differ in, is instead of referring Jalisa to further counseling treatment at another agency I would have liked to continue counseling session with her. o How could you incorporate the interventions for vulnerable populations, listed in Goelitz pp.

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