Intercultural Creativity In The Movie 'Crash'

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In the movie, Crash, it shows a portrayal of community conflicts and tensions between the different ethnicities. In this paper, I will demonstrate how the concept intercultural sensitivity plays a major role in the movie, and will highlight examples of prejudice, discrimination, and stereotyping. I will also identify illustrations of institutionalized and internalized racism. Lastly, I will also give examples of assimilation and scare resources.
`The movie crash explores the idea of hidden racism and prejudices in society that not all people realize is present. The movie takes place in Los Angles which is known as a city with a lot of diversity. The movie displays a lot of community conflict based on the fact that a lot of people have different points of view, or either want others to agree with their point of view. A community’s purpose is to bring people together as one, rather than tear each other apart physically or emotionally. …show more content…

Prejudice is judging someone based of a certain past experience or having an idea of a person without even knowing them. Prejudice happens a lot and sometimes we don’t even realize is because it can also mean to have an opinions about something we know nothing about. The media, friends and family can also influence how we make preconceived opinions about other people that we might not even know or even come in contact with. An example of prejudice in the movie is when a Muslim man tries to purchase a gun from a Caucasian male. The gun store owner makes negative comments by calling the man, “Osama” and gives the man a negative attitude because of his Muslim background. This is known as prejudice because he gives preconceived opinions based off of Al Qaeda terrorist groups that were responsible for 9/11. The white man in the gun store could of felt this way because either he had family members or friends killed in 9/11 or he just judged the man because of his

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