Informative Speech Outline On Addiction

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The Causes and Effects of Addiction Katelyn Burton Topic: Addiction to Anything I. INTRODUCTION A. Attention material/Credibility Material: Loud noises, a rapping on the door. You get up to see what could be at your door at 3 A.M. You open the door and your friend stands there, hammered, slurring their speech, asking you for help because they feel like they are dying. They pass out, crashing into your yard. Can you imagine rolling your friend to their side to keep them from choking while they have a seizure because of alcohol poisoning? B. Tie to the audience: You would need to know what to do to support your friend should they seek help but first you need to know what all addiction entails, right? C. Thesis/Preview Statement: Addiction to …show more content…

BODY A. Main Point: What defines an addiction? According to Psychology Today, “Addiction is a condition that results when a person ingests a substance…. or engages in an activity….that can be pleasurable but the continued use/act of which becomes compulsive and interferes with ordinary life responsibilities, such as work, relationships, or health.” This can range anywhere from drug use to eating disorders, to gambling, to even texting in today’s generation. Shocking to say the least, especially when most people do not even know they are addicted or are an addict until they realize this definition. [Transition: Now that we have figured out just what addiction is, we can move on to the …show more content…

Main Point: The effects on a person after they become addicted to something can be small, or they can be great, depending on the length of time they are exposed to the addictive behavior or substance and what caused it. The addiction affects the addict’s health, career and relationships. I can tell you from personal experience with having family members who were addicts, that I was traumatized growing up. (Personal story about couple arguing here.) According to Roxanne Edwards of, “In terms of effects on the body, intoxication with a substance can cause physical effects that range from marked sleepiness and slowed breathing …to the rapid heart rate...” In addition, psychologically they can have suicidal thoughts or elation depending on the addictive substance or behavior. This is why it is important for the addict to seek help because they cannot get rid of the issue on their own. Most of the time, addicts go through some sort of rehab treatment and when they are released they are instructed to go to meetings that help with the aftermath of addiction. Just a few of these groups are places like Alcoholics/Narcotics Anonymous, or even Celebrate Recovery. Although some places believe that these programs do not work, it is well worth mentioning that the success rates depend on the want to of the person working them. They have to want to remain sober or free from the addiction or they will go right back to it. Alcohol puts it this way, “Failure to

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