Importan Attachment Theory

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Connectedness Connectedness is a term used to talk about a loving and positive relationship between parents and their children (Padilla-Walker et al., 2012). Families build connections through a variety of ways, however the development of warm and fulfilling relationships is the goals of being connected developing closeness. Closeness is the emotional bond between people. Closeness varies on a spectrum, at one end of the spectrum we see a person that is not close to anyone in the family who is emotionally detached and is their own person. One the other end of the spectrum another person could be so overly close to someone in the family that they looking like the person that they are close too. Both ends of the spectrums are extremes and can be dangerous for a family. It is important to set aside quality time to work on closeness within the family, because it helps to create and maintain strong parent child bonds. However, it is also …show more content…

According to (Pittman, Keiley, & Kerpelman, 2011), Bowlby theorized that it is the interactions between people that form connections and develop attachments. There are four different types of attachments; secure, avoidant, and anxious ambivalent. When we look at this theory applied to children we see that a secure attachment is when children are most comfortable when their parents are around and are easy to soothe by the parents. Insecure or avoidant attachment is when the child doesn’t prefer to be near the parents and could care less if the parents are absent. This happened when the parents failed to meet their child’s needs, despite a child expressing their needs. Anxious ambivalent attachment is when the child won’t leave their parents side, even if it is to explore their surroundings, is distraught if the parents leave, and mistrusting if the parents try to comfort after leaving (Arnett, & Maynard,

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