How is Walmart Able to Keep Track of its Inventory?

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Walmart Case Study How is Walmart able to keep track of its inventory? Why is this important? The Walmart is able to keep track of its inventory with the help of a little gadget called, Telson. It scans the bar code which is not just a simple thing but it is almost like an encyclopedia as it tells all the information. The power of information is hidden in a bar code. It is very important as it keeps track of all the sales for example what is being sold, when is it being sold, history, sale prices and trend prices. What effects has this inventory system had on producers? The super computer, Telson records all the sales. The order is automatically generated that evening. At midnight, the warehouse fills that order and it sits back on the shelves on the following night or the next morning. However, this inventory system has a huge effect on producers since the speed of delivery is faster and the order is always available to costumers. What 2 powerful forces converged in the 90s that Walmart took advantage of? How did they take advantage of them? How has this changed the retailin...

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