How To Build Self Esteem Essay

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Build Your Self-Esteem In the last lesson, we looked at how negative experiences in your past can affect your self-concept. Self-esteem isn’t quite the same as your self-concept, but they are related. Your self-concept is your perception of yourself. Your self-esteem is a measure of how happy you are with yourself. Increase one, you can increase the other. Today, we’ll look at building your self-esteem. It’s easier to be authentic to others when we feel good about ourselves. Give your self-esteem a boost and think highly of yourself: 1. Guarantee success: start small. Success breeds confidence and self-esteem. Create small successes in your life. Drink water instead of soda at lunch. Pay all your bills on time this month. Any little thing that would make you feel good about yourself is a great place to start. 2. Do something …show more content…

Observe your thoughts. If you pay attention to your thoughts, you’ll be both amazed and horrified. It’s amazing how your mind jumps around to different topics and the crazy things it says. If a real person acted in the same way, you’d call the people in the white coats to come make a pick-up. ○ Notice how odd your self-talk can be. 9. Create a list of affirmations. Make a list of affirmations that you’d like to believe and keep it handy. Whenever you mind is idle, repeat your affirmations to yourself. When you’re not busy, your mind will start chattering. Take control of the chatter and keep it positive. 10. Remember your greatness. You’ve accomplished some impressive things. Make a list of everything you’ve managed to do in your life up to this point. It’s easy to forget how far you’ve come. Make a list and review it often. 11. Learn something new. Children are so proud of themselves when they learn new something new. It might not be as obvious to us as adults, but we experience the same phenomenon. Learn how to bake a cake from scratch or how to hit a golf ball. What interests you? Try to learn a new skill each

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