How Society Has Affected Today's Society

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Everyone believes something different. Many people believe society has a large impact on today’s world. Many people believe you should read a book by its cover and not allow any underclassmen into your life due to their class in the world. While today many people are not punished for what they have done, in the olden day in age, everyone of everyone was punished for every crime that wasn’t allowed. Society has changed so much through the years, it has helped and also harmed our small and very large communities greatly. The Scarlet Letter, The Crucible, and Of Mice and Men are great ways to show how society has affected today’s day in age. The Scarlet Letter shows a great deal of hatred for a woman who proved herself of doing something wrong. The Scarlet Letters husband had left her for many years to tend to her own. She had no idea if he was alive or dead. The Scarlet Letter showed even though she was unaware where her husband was she still didn’t have the right to go out and have a baby with someone else. Even though the …show more content…

Unlike the Scarlet letter the Crucible was more of a dramatic book. In this book it showed how many people can “rub” off on others. This causes people to act like one another. In The Crucible, there was a lonely Black woman who thought she could talk to ghosts. A couple girls fell into this trap and eventually got caught. Instead of the girls admitting to what they had done, they lied and started a whole town issue. This caused many people to get in trouble and even die. Instead of taking the consequences the girls pawned the blame on other people, in today’s society we have a major problem with this. This happens everyday due to people not wanting to be adults and own up to what they have done. After the girls were found guilty to lying about everything the town went back to normal and no one ever talked about it again. Society errors are the worst things to fall

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