How Shakespeare Makes Us Feel Sympathetic in The Merchant of Venice

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How Shakespeare Makes Us Feel Sympathetic in The Merchant of Venice In Shylock’s first speech in Act 1 Scene 3 he begins by saying he hates Christians because they lend money gratis and reduce the rate of usance on loans in Venice. At this point Shylock is more worried about the interest charged on a loan and lends money without interest making Shylock seem like a greedy character at this point. Shylock goes on to say, “If I can catch once upon the hip I will feed fat the ancient grudge I bear him”. What Shylock means if he gets Antonio where he wants he will get his revenge. The ancient grudge was the hostility between Jews and Christians apparently originating in the accusation that Jews were responsible for Jesus Christ’s death. Shylock uses this point to emphasise and to get the point across to the audience of the long history between Jews and Christians. As we read through the speech we see the anger of shylock towards Antonio. But as we near the end of the speech we understand the anger because of what Antonio has done to Shylock and the other Jews. In Shylocks second Speech in Act 1 Scene 3 Shylock is polite to Antonio by calling him “Signor Antonio” This makes Shylock a strong character : after all his anger towards Antonio he talks to him politely. This also shows Shylock has respect for him and also shows importance. He begins by saying “Many time and oft in the Rialto you have rated me about my moneys and my usances”. Antonio has insulted Shylock not just once but many times. He then goes on to say “For sufferance is the badge of all our tribe” This suggests that Shylock has tolerated all the insults and other bad things done by Antonio for a long time. This makes Shylock seem a stronger character because he has not taken out his anger yet or taken revenge. He shows patience and is calm. The next are some names Antonio has called Shylock and things he has done.

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