How Have Gender Roles Changed Over Time

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Ideas and views of families have changed drastically throughout time. Along with these changing views, so have the ideas of why they exist. These changes have been driven socially, politically and culturally that vary based on different ages, races, genders and societies that a person identifies with. To observe how some of these ideas and attitudes have changed over time, I conducted a survey that helped address ideas, feelings and meanings of family. For the data I collected, I broke my subjects up based on their gender. Within the different genders I interviewed people of various ages for variety in the answers and to get a better idea of what many people think. I choose to interview three males, my Dad, a co worker; David and my boyfriend; …show more content…

Whereas with the female responses, they seemed to focus more on the emotional aspects of marriage such as knowing when the time is right and being ready for the commitment and taking the next step to solidify a relationship. One response that was consistent across each gender and age group was the response to a question I asked about race and marriage. Each person responded that Race has nothing to do with who you love and should never be a determining factor to who you choose to date, marry or have children …show more content…

Many of the responses included that the idea of a family is either constructed for different reasons or can be blood relation but family is not limited to one idea. Ideas of family related mostly to the structural functionalist perspective, relating to the idea that family performs a function to people as either a support system, or someone who cares for you physically or emotionally. I created my own question that was different from the provided set which asked, “In a marriage or relationship, do you believe that each person has specific duties assigned to them or that they should be flexible?”. Everyone who answered believed that each person should be flexible, there shouldn’t be gendered roles in a home or relationship, some people will naturally be better at some tasks than other but nothing should be assigned or concrete. I was great to hear that this concept was shared amongst all of my interviewees, because if I had asked these same questions fifty years ago, these answers would probably not be the same. The changes in attitudes towards gender roles has changed tremendously and shows an overall shift in our societal views of these roles as

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