How Did Frederick Douglass Fight

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Frederick Douglass: His Fight for the People When spiraling down the road of lost but remembered history, you can discover several activists who fought for the equality our nation should’ve always had. One of these righteous figures was Frederick Douglass. While many others tried to achieve this dream world, myriads of them failed. Frederick Douglass, however, succeeded with his multiple acts. These acts varied in form such as recruiting people, speaking, and explaining his own experience of slavery, but went on to create equality in ‘Merica.. The first and strongest point that Frederick Douglass made was recruiting several African Americans to fight in the war. During the civil war, he gathered over 2,000 men, who during their time fought bravely against the south. While and after the fight, many people around them started actually appreciated the people. It really ultimately helped with making people understand that they were just like anyone else. Another motive that Frederick Douglass had was doing multiple public speeches and writing his own newspaper. …show more content…

Ever since the day he was born, Douglass had constantly been in slavery. He was often treated terribly and remained held until the age of 20. When he started doing is successful speeches, he told multiple stories of what happened during those times. One example of this was when he saw a cousin and an aunt get beaten by their masters or overseers. Douglass and his family also were constantly hungry and were mistreated severely. The way that Douglass was even able to write down and speak of these horrible days is because of the fact that is mistress taught him to read from the age of twelve. She continued doing this, until her husband believed that it would spoil him and told her to stop. It eventually went on to create the powerful speaker many have known of, and was a very important part of Douglass’s

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