Horrors Of Domestic Violence

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In this age a new dark plague is taking form in many areas around the world. Domestic violence is a social problem, which will continue to expand if the collective consciousness of individual societies does not rise. The continuous irrational behaviors are considered to be a epidemic by most. Inner cities and even suburb areas endure constant acts of violence throughout each year. The acts of violence are defined as emotionally controlling another individual or partner. The acts are narrowed down to physical assaults, stalking and sexual assault. Researchers in the past and present examined the violence women endure on a yearly cycle. Approximately one out every four women will experience domestic violence in her lifetime.(2009) Certain situations in a women’s life will cause unexpected situations to arise. The women must adapt instantly and find a solution to the current problem. Major cities all across America undergo the horrors of domestic violence. Los Angeles is a prime example of a city being devastated by domestic violence. The Los Angeles community is filled with women and men on welfare and other government assistance programs. A sizable portion of the women and men experienced some sort of domestic violence at any given time. The violent acts will ultimately end up with a spilt between the partners and a downward spiral in the relationship forms. The violence is attacking the city environment and the citizens. The homelessness continues to grow all around the Los Angeles area. When a woman decides to leave an abusive relationship, she often has no destination. Women within the inner cities fall victim often due to the lack of resources and support from surrounding friends and family. The amount of ... ... middle of paper ... ...nderwent a survey and 40.2% state their child or children have been exposed to domestic violence. (2011) The exposure has the power to immediately stop the child development and have a negative impact on his/her life. The most common type of domestic abuse towards children is done through physical abuse. The inner communities of Los Angeles are a good start to find children who are dealing with physical abuse. African American parents tend to physically discipline their children. By no means is disciplinary physical abuse legal anywhere in the United States. The abuse is considered to be domestic violence and the child can opt to call the police and move to a government placed home. In the world today, children will accept the abuse and never retaliate. The cycle of violence will never end if children continue to endure horrific childhood experiences.

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