History of the Blues

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In one way shape or form Blues music has influenced almost every music artist and their work. Jazz and Blues gave way to such artists as Elvis Presley and Chuck Barry. The history and origins of Blues traces back many generations. Many articles have been written over the years helping readers better understand the history and importance of Blues music. All the articles have a similar attitude toward The Blues. Each article makes Blues Music's social and musical importance and impact blaringly obvious. Summary: Articles pertaining to the history and importance of The Blues. Cavender, Jason. "Civil War Music." Reference Guide to Literature and Arts, 2nd Edition. 20 March 2003. Pages 31-38. This article deals with the obvious oppression that African Americans faced in the 19th century and the music behind this depression. This music is the Blues. The writer of "Civil War Music," Jason Cavender, explains that Blues music originated around campfires on plantations and on the battlefields of the civil war. Many African American soldiers during the civil war were asked to perform for their superior officers. The music was, according to the white soldiers and officers, "haunting and powerful." This music according to Cavender, helped portray hundreds of years of injustice. Gussow, Adam. "Shoot Myself a Cop": Mamie Smith's "Crazy Blues" as Social Text. Callaloo - Volume 25, Number 1, Winter 2002. Pages 8-44 - Article. The article "Shoot Myself a Cop," is an article that shows the early struggles of African American people through song. Many of the social happenings and injustices were put to blues songs during the time. The song "Crazy Blues" is the main song focused on throughout the article. The ... ... middle of paper ... ...uld plug their guitars right into their heart and soul and make a beautiful and powerful sound come out. It is obvious to see the importance of Blues music on our culture today. The Blues has influenced modern music more than any other style of music. This is because of the power that the Blues possesses. The Blues started being formed the second an African got on a European's ship and was no longer considered human. Hundreds of years of opression and ghost can be heard in early blues music. Music by Robert Johnson and Maime Smith is not just listened to; it envelops the soul. This is why blues music has had such an impact on our society. It is one of the few art forms that is true and raw. It is also now commericial thanks to technology and distribution. Every person from every walk of life should take a history lesson and listen to The Blues.

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