History Of Thanksgiving Essay

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The History of ThanksgivingTopic: The History of ThanksgivingQuestion: What is the origin of Thanksgiving?Thesis: The History of Thanksgiving goes far back to 1621 when the Plymouth colonists and Wampanoag Indians shared a harvest feast, which was the first Thanksgiving meal.September of 1620, a ship known as the Mayflower left Plymouth, England transporting over 100 passengers. These passengers were religious separatists and were seeking refuge in a new territory. Originally, they were headed to the Hudson River in New York, but due to erratic weather such as severe thunderstorms, they ended up in Plymouth Harbor, Massachusetts.1 They were greeted by the local Wampanoag Indian tribe, who befriended the pilgrims at Plymouth Rock and brought them corn and turkey for the first Thanksgiving.2 They also offered them a bountiful harvest of Indian breads, seeds, etc. Throughout the course of time, the Pilgrims had their first successful harvest which then led to a three day …show more content…

In some traditions and cultures, the items featured may also be tamales, apple cider, oyster stuffing, and rice.6 These entrees listed are examples of the foods we consume during this century’s Thanksgiving holiday. Thanksgiving is a national holiday that we celebrate on the fourth Thursday of November each year. This celebration has been altered over many generations, and influenced through many people. Sara Josepha Hale for example, was an essential person who made a huge impact on this feast. She had the idea of creating meals such as a large turkey, for families to gather around the dinner table, and share a course while in the midst of it, being thankful for everything they have. Overall, Thanksgiving has been substantially transformed throughout the years and is now an official recognized holiday we celebrate each

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