History Of Slavery In America

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Slavery in America traces back to 1619 when African slaves were chosen to come to North America. They landed in the colony of Jamestown, Virginia. The slaves were delivered and immediately put to work in the fields and crops such as tobacco. According to the website, History.com, “the European settlers in North American turned to slaves as a cheaper, more plentiful source of labor.” (History.com, 2014) From this point on, slavery began to spread throughout the American colonies. Though it is impossible to give accurate figures, some historians have estimated that 6 to 7 million slaves were imported to the New World during the 18th century alone, depriving the African continent of some of its healthiest and ablest men and women. (History.com, 2014) The life of a slave was subservient to the master. They had to obey without question or face punishment. Even if the master was less abusive and demanding, the slave still held resentment, for his life was not his own. For slave owners, the main object was to keep financially valuable slaves alive and working. That was all that mattered. They were items, property and a commodity to be owned or sold for profit. Slave owner’s supplied only the minimum needs for survival, little food was given and often that was not fit to eat. Living conditions were poor such as no beds or bedding. The work was grueling and the hours were long for the slave. They often got very little sleep and they were watched during the day to make sure they were not idle and at night to be sure they didn’t escape. They were dominated by the people that owned them. According to the article from History.com, Slavery in America, “Most slaves lived on large farms or small plantations; many masters owned l... ... middle of paper ... ...nd that may only heal as time goes by and will forever leave a scar. The Civil War abolished slavery and redefined the United States as a single and indivisible nation. A nation that would not perish no one will ever forget what happened at Gettysburg, the words that were spoken by Abraham Lincoln and no one will ever forget the words that were spoken there. Many humans lost their lives being brought into slavery and many lost their lives in the battle to end slavery. There was a high price paid in the war to free slaves. The face of the land was scarred and disfigured. Many families were left with nothing, homes were destroyed and lives torn apart. There had been so much suffering on all sides. The monetary cost to wage the war was very significant but not as significant as the loss of life and limb. Our country had faced a great deal in it’s young life.

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