Historical Analysis of The Grapes of Wrath

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There are numerous symbols in The Grapes of Wrath that through analysis provide additional levels of insight and understanding into the novel. These symbols enhance the reader’s overall experience and provide a deeper meaning to the novel. They encourage readers to look beyond the surface to identify parallels in the text that foreshadow future events or represent certain ideas that the author is trying to stress. One of the major symbols of the entire book, is Tom himself. He represents the mental attitude experienced by the migrant families throughout the book. Tom accurately represents the hope burning inside of every migrant. As we learn about Tom throughout the novel, we come to know of the murder that he committed. Although it may not have been completely intentional, he is still forced to abandon his family. When he reunites with his family, he is immediately accepted back into their family, and he joins them as they begin to embark on their journey to California. He is with them every step of the way to California on Route 66 and constantly encourages them to persevere even through the difficult times. While in California, history is repeated, and Tom kills yet another man out of anger. He is forced to hide away and is of no use to the family anymore as he can no longer work. Later, he is forced to abandon his family yet again. This all directly correlates to the hope found in every migrant. It all began in Oklahoma, where hope hurt farmers during the Dust Bowl. After the hope had hurt them, it abandoned them. A quote in Chapter 1 of The Grapes of Wrath represents this, “The children stood near by, drawing figures in the dust with bare toes, and the children sent exploring sense out to see whether men and women would break... ... middle of paper ... ...ity of painful experiences endured by our American ancestors, shattering a student’s perception of the struggles he himself is spared. Through the author’s use of symbols, a particular writing style, and the presence of a mental attitude, he convinces readers of the immense struggles of the migrants, effectively educating all who read his message. All of these writing tools add more depth to the overall understanding of the events and attitudes occurring at the time. The Grapes of Wrath inherently defines the true meaning of the American Dream. This once was an evil concept in the 30s that created hope where there was none and naturally left a scar in America's history across the government and it's people. Instead, the American dream is a dream of unity, hope, perseverance, equality, and kindness among all humans that was realized only in the darkest of times.

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