Happiness Definition Essay

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If you were to google the definition of happiness, it will give you an extremely shallow definition of the state of being happy. Happiness is an abstract and intangible emotion that cannot literally be defined. So how can one define it? People use their emotions, feelings, and events in their life to define happiness. Though, the emotions described by each individual will vary because each individual is their own person; therefore, not any one view of happiness will be the same. Happiness is a feeling that comes from within. Scientists define it as chemical being introduced to the brain that causes this feeling, just like many other emotions one can feel on a daily basis. To each person that feeling of happiness can be caused by a multitude …show more content…

Whether it is playing volleyball or just making toddlers at my church laugh and smile, I have experienced this pure joy. Success, building others up, and loving others all play a major role in my happiness as well. I become extremely happy when I am successful, as well as when others around me are successful. The success of others brings joy in my life; however, it makes me strive to achieve just as they have. Another way my happiness is developed in my life is from the people around me. My mother always told me to surround myself with positive people because they will lead you to live a positive lifestyle, and her advice has led me to become who I am today. Positivity is the basis of happiness in my eyes, for negativity leads to sadness and pain. Happiness is a positive feeling and is usually associated with positive connotations; therefore, I wrap my life in positivity to ensure happiness even through tough times. There are many different levels of happiness that range from simple to the extremity of pure happiness, and this is what I try to gain in my life. Pure happiness is not a short feel good moment that is experienced for a few moments, but it is an everyday acceptance of who I am and what I have in life. Happiness is the ability to accept the good and the bad, as two parts of a whole. I strive to achieve this full potential of happiness in my life because happiness is a beautiful thing and I would not want to live life without

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