Hamlet Tragic Hero

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A tragic hero is a character who has been born in nobility. They are characters with great power and status. The tragic part is that they suffer downfall because of a certain flaw or action. Their downfall is usually caused by a greater force or person. Every tragic hero possesses a “fatal” flaw which becomes the reason for destruction despite their intentions. They are usually overwhelmed by anxieties or stresses that make them not in complete control of their actions and thoughts. This is the reason the audience has sympathy towards the tragic hero and their suffering. In the play, Hamlet or otherwise known as: The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark, written by William Shakespeare, features the protagonist, Hamlet, as the tragic hero. He …show more content…

His indecisiveness and procrastination alters his actions and causes him to not think rationally. Along with his anger for Claudius, is his anger for Gertrude. He is upset that she betrays her late husband by re-marrying his brother. He speaks to his mother with disgust and hatred, saying “a beast that wants discourse of reason would have mourn’d longer (1.2.150). He is disappointed in her because she knows that Claudius murdered her late husband but yet she is, “won to his shameful lust” (1.5.45). Her actions is what fuels Hamlets hatred for all women. This outmost disgust and anger shows through his relationship with Ophelia. He says, “I loved Ophelia. Forty thousand brothers could not with all their quantity of love make up my sum” (5.1.285-87), when he is accused of having never loved her. He becomes too preoccupied with his duty to kill Claudius and his hatred for women that he takes it out on her instead, despite his feelings. He insults her and he ends up killing her father, Polonius, without showing emotion or sympathy over his actions. Ophelia goes mad because of Hamlet’s poor actions and drowns herself.
Hamlet’s procrastination on killing Claudius is what allows Laertes and Claudius to configure a plan to kill Hamlet. In this tragic last stretch, Claudius and Laertes plan a duel between Laertes and Hamlet. Laertes sword is to be dipped in poison so when Hamlet gets struck, he will die. A goblet of poisoned wine is to be given to him, if the duel doesn’t work. Instead, Gertrude drinks the wine. Hamlet realizes what is happening and finally kills Claudius. Hamlet is stabbed by the poisoned sword so he turns it onto Laertes, killing him as

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