Greek Mythology Paper

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The purpose of this paper is to discuss the similarities and differences of both Egyptian Mythology and Greek Mythology. As all Mythologies do they both hold some similarities and about an equal amount of differences. This paper will talk about different Gods from both Egyptian and Greek mythology. From the Greek mythology, this paper will discuss Aries, Athena, Hades, Persephone, Poseidon, and Zeus. From the Egyptian side, this paper will discuss Amon, Anubis, Aton, Atum, Isis, and Osiris. This paper will also talk about two main differences in mythology, such as the different ways the Gods were shown in each mythology and there are different ways of telling the story of their creation. The similarities between the two mythologies being discussed will be their forms of worship. Greek Mythology vs Egyptian Mythology Both Greek and Egyptian Mythologies have been in the world for thousands of years, as …show more content…

She is one of the main deities for the dead. The myth of Isis states that she was a good queen who supported her husband. Osiris's brother, Seth, was very jealous and wanted to become king, so he killed his brother, but Isis would not give up on her husband and searched for him. She brought his body back to Egypt where Seth discovered him and hacked the body into pieces. He then spread the pieces far and wide. Isis started her search again and found almost every piece of him. She used her magic to make him whole and bandaged him, causing him to be turned into the first mummy. Later, she gave birth to Osiris's son, Horus, later in life while Horus was growing up they had to hide in the marshes of the Nile until he was grown and could avenge his father. Because of her protection, she is also known as a goddess of protection even though her main notoriety is her

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