Grease Developmental Psychology

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In life, we all go through different developmental stages as human beings. Many psychologists believe in different theories of development such as Watson’s classical conditioning, Skinner’s operant conditioning, Bandura’s social cognitive theory, and much more. Grease covered multiple developmental stages. The basis of Grease, is a group of kids in high school, from the 1950s, who experimented with relationship/friendships and tried to enjoy their last year of school together before they all drifted to college. It’s a classic rock and roll musical. This movie, along with many others, are great examples of displaying developmental psychology. Although the casts are at the same age during the whole movie, they went through different psychological experiences. Although many of their experiences were different, some of the cast members went through the same thing. It was interesting watching Grease from a different perspective, a psychological perspective rather than one who simply likes and enjoys the movie. There are probably many different developmental psychological stages the characters in Grease go through. The main characters this paper will go over are Danny and Sandy, but will cover a couple more members from Grease, like Frenchy, Marty, Putzie, and Doody, and how they went through …show more content…

This goes back to Danny and Sandy. Their relationship was extremely confusing and dramatic. Danny wanted to be with Sandy but didn’t want to lose his bad boy reputation. He knew, though, that if he didn’t try to change a little that he might lose Sandy. While Sandy obviously wanted to be with Danny too, she wasn’t confident in going against her parent’s morals and the way she was raised. The Pink Ladies had a huge influence on Sandy considering they were her only friends at her new school. By the end of the movie, she conformed to the way Danny, the guys, along with the Pink Ladies, dressed and

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