Genetic Selection Persuasive Speech

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Gradually, but steadily scientists are edging their way further into the depths of unknown territory. This new innovative technology that has helped us achieve the unimaginable is now jeopardizing lives, and threatening our future. For decades, the evolving science of genetics has informed us and saved lives. Recently, procedures of genetic selection and modification are taking it further to eliminate genetic diseases. This complicated process that alters the genes of embryos is highly uncertain, and being activated too soon, with too much risk. So what, we may ask, are the actual long term effects of this procedure on not just its patients, but our population? Perhaps we will never know until it becomes too late to change. For this reason, I am strongly against genetic selection. Genetic selection was first tested in 1990, and since then has become more common. PGD (Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis) is the technique used mostly for genetic selection. First, a cell from the embryo is extracted and then further analyzed. This includes various genetic screening methods, that can detect and diagnose over one-hundred different …show more content…

But is jumping into it faster worth all of the lives we will lose? Science is imperfect, and that is how every technology begins. We could be potentially destroying the natural gene pool, and all that we have evolved to be. Genetic selection is conducted on unknowing children that have no say in the creation of their life (Hanson). If it was unwanted by the child, they will feel as if they are living an artificial life. Loss of individuality caused by genetic selection creates a person who is not truly their parent’s child. Genetic selection allows the parent’s decision to possibly harm other siblings not involved (Hanson). Altering genes will possibly create cruel, unanticipated outcomes that will damage the life of the patient and those

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