Gabriel Garcia Marquez Research Paper

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First a journalist, then a novelist but above all, a realist ("Gabriel Garcia Marquez Influenced"). Gabriel “Gabo” Garcia Marquez was born in Aracataca, Colombia on March 6th, 1927. Eldest of his eleven siblings, Gabo was left to live with his grandparents while his parents searched for work. It was this part of his childhood that influenced his writing, he once said, “...on one hand ... there was the world of my grandfather; a world of stark reality, of civil wars he told me about, since he had been a colonel in the last civil war. And then, on the other hand, there was the world of my grandmother, which was full of fantasy, completely outside of reality” ("Writer Gabriel Garcia Marquez"). Not only was Gabriel Garcia Marquez’s writing style shaped by his grandparents but also Colombia and Latin America. Many had suffered on April 17, 2014 when he passed away, for he had given a voice to all of Latin America ("Writer Gabriel Garcia Marquez"). …show more content…

After two years of studying law, Gabriel Garcia Marquez said, “When I began the third year of law, I found it no longer interested me because I was completely entranced by literature and journalism” (Lamrani). So, Garcia Marquez began “writing movie reviews, human-interest stories, and a daily, unsigned column...” (Corwin). He was then hired as a journalist for El Espectador in 1954. While working for El Espectador, Gabo began to change his style; the editor, Jose Salgar, began to teach Gabo how to properly communicate his

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