Finding Meaning In Shirley Jackson's The Lottery

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When people think about the term “lottery” they typically relate it to money and winnings worth millions of dollars. Although that is true, the definition of lottery is actually just a drawing, or selecting something at random. So in the short story, The Lottery, written by Shirley Jackson, is exactly that, a random selection that will determine someone else’s fate. The author only gives a minute amount of insight to the moral of the story towards the beginning when the she makes remarks about the children gathering stones. Other than those few comments, the ending of the story is a mystery until it happens. At the end of the story, the person who “won” the lottery is stoned to death. Tessie Hutchinson being the main character is the easiest to read. The first impression she gives the audience is that she is nervous for the lottery. When she shows up, she tries to make small talk and jokes about being late. Tessie claimed to have forgotten what day it was, when in reality, The Lottery is not a day that is forgotten. The crowd surrounding her seemed to want to support because they gave her a slight laugh when she made jokes and scooted out of her …show more content…

She makes claims that the drawing was unfair and he did not have enough time to choose a slip of paper. This is where the audience really gets to see the true morals of Tessie. She asks for a redraw and makes her three CHILDREN draw as well. Tessie is going to let her children, possibly be stoned to death just so her husband is not. Once everyone from the Hutchinson family has drawn, they open their slips and wouldn’t it be guessed, Tessie has been chosen this time. Mr.Summers, the man in charge of the lottery, does not hesitate to begin the stoning. The town gathers around Tessie, include her husband and children, along with the rest of the town, and begin throwing the stones at her just trying to get it over with so everyone can go home for noon

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