Family: The Adoption Of A Family And The Family

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If you were to Google the definition of the word family, you would see “a group consisting of parents and children living in a household” or “a person or people related to one and so to be treated with a special loyalty or intimacy.” In my opinion, family is a group of people, no matter their race, religion, or sexual orientation, who love each other and will do anything to protect them. However, there are people in this world who believe family should be limited to parents of opposite genders. Mitch and Cam Pritchett are the power couple when it comes to same-sex adoption, even though they are fictional. Modern Family, a popular TV show has modernized same sex marriage as well as same-sex adoption, making it out to be a wonderful thing. Several mainstream media outlets have voiced their support for same-sex adoption by adding families to the …show more content…

Biblarz, I found several facts siding with same-sex parenting and how it is really no different, if anything better, than different gender parenting, which is a contrast to Clarke’s writing. Heterosexual parents were prone to discipline their kids more and stressed gender conformity (acting like the gender you were born with) more. Children from same-sex parents show more interest and effort in school, and have a higher success rate than children in heterosexual households. Also, Biblarz’s study included that children from same-sex households had better teacher reviews on their behavioral problems than those from different gender households. The only disadvantage I found throughout this study was that children from same-sex households have a higher likelihood of being teased/bullied by their fellow peers because of their parents, which is expected from younger kids in school. However, children with different gender parents reported to having more aggressiveness, emphasized peer pressure to gender conform, and more behavioral problems among

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