Faith In Night By Elie Wiesel

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Night Night, written by Elie Wiesel, takes place in Nazi, Germany. It describes terrifying predicaments during the Holocaust that discusses the harsh conditions of the Jewish society. There are three major quotes in this novel that show the Jew's unyielding faith in God has slowly declined due to their suffering. These quotes are undoubtedly significant for many reasons. They show the effects of someone being treated so terribly that they begin to lose faith in their God and how being surrounded by pain and death changed the very meaning of who they are. The quote, "Never shall I forget those moments that murdered my God and my soul and turned my dreams to ashes"(Wiesel 34), refers to the night when the Jews were being deported to Auschwitz. Eliezer's father had asked him if he remembered Mrs.Schacter, the woman from the train, then gained memory of every detail from that night; his exact words were, "Never shall I forget...."The faces of the small children that were being burned alive, the flames that consumed his faith forever, the smoke—all of these traumatizing things were embedded into Eliezer's brain. This quote signifies how Eliezer began to lose faith in God due to the terrible memories of traumatic events. God has always pursued the …show more content…

"Hitler has made it clear that he will annihilate all Jews before the clock strikes twelve"(Wiesel 80). No matter what action, positive or negative, Hitler has been known for staying to his word. The sick man wonders where God is when people like himself are being tortured and are suffering. God's prophets say how he is entitled to peace, love and happiness, however, these actions have not yet taken place. The Jews believed that God would protect them from evil and distress. Because of all the torturing and suffering, the Jews are losing their faith in God

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